Oct 18, 2018
Bogey Boyd, Canada

“My time at Tribe was nothing short of transformative. The teachings, the grand mix of people and the environment we practiced in were all completely conducive to reaching our highest potential. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the many pieces of my life seemed to just fall into place – albeit clumsily and not without a few painful face plants (metaphorically speaking of course…). Sayings like “where the mind goes the energy flows”, and “practice and all is coming” were ingrained into me by the words/teachings, which I was able to adopt into my daily life by ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK. Tribe is excellent at supporting people in achieving this. Six days a week. All day. The teachers always seemed to know when to push us, and when to let us rest; a very delicate balance was danced for 28 days and it was a dance unlike anything I had ever danced before!!! This YTT was tough. I will not sugarcoat my experience. It was rigorous, and it pushed my boundaries to the point that I became a completely different person. And the person that I became was the person I have always hoped to become: A loving man that does the work needed to be a healthy, self responsible individual that helps people to help themselves (including myself!). An excellent yoga teacher needs to harness compassion, tolerance, restraint, empathy, and so many more healthy concepts that help an individual become a true leader. Am I that teacher yet? Am I a Master? Heck no! But I have had a taste of it. And the flavor is amazingly tasty. I know in my heart that Tribe (and the Eight Limbs of Yoga as taught by Tribe) has shown me the path towards The Awesome (enlightenment, compassion, health, etc.). Now it’s up to me to walk that path. Thank you so much for your guidance Tribe!!!!”
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