Jul 6, 2022

“There is only one way out of the trap: that you don’t choose; neither this nor that — you simply don’t choose. You withdraw from choice and you become choiceless. Choicelessness is freedom.” – Osho
The 2nd Niyama is Santosha CONTENTMENT..
We see it and hear it everywhere ´choose happiness‘ you can choose to be happy´ BUT wouldn’t it be more appropriate and more in alignment with our spiritual growth to focus on cultivating a state of appreciation and gratitude for the good times and the bad. For sure they are both coming!
Don’t let happiness carry you away or sadness ruffle your feathers. Step back and look at the whole picture.
Many great spiritual teachers say spiritual awakening is a choiceless state. Yet all too often we indulge and get lost in apparent choices when in reality life is always choosing for us. All that it asks of us is to accept, surrender to and celebrate all that it presents us with, with an open heart and a readiness to evolve and grow.
Maybe our place and purpose is to simply enjoy the journey as it unfolds in us and around us!
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