200 Hour Training

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India 200-hrs


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Thailand 200-hrs


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Sri Lanka 200-hrs


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UK 200-hrs


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23 days

Why Tribe

Tribe yoga teacher training, teachers and graduates. Photo – Goa, India


Attending a Tribe Level 1, 200-hour yoga teacher training course means you have chosen both an integral and experienced yoga school. It is a great investment of your time, money and energy. During the training Tribe teachers invite you to explore and embody profound teachings that are transmitted in an easy to digest manner.

We nurture the individuality of each student through a fusion of yoga styles and disciplines and trainees readily connect and resonate with our ‘down to earth’ approach. As well as pranayama, meditation and asana we introduce conscious eating, purification practices, healing, chanting and other spiritually empowering practices. All fertile ground for long lasting transformation.

This is a very personalised training whereby students and teachers share space in a way that quickly creates a group dynamic of trust and loving energy. Tribe teachers establish a special atmosphere that supports participants to relax into the possibilities of growth and change and open the doors for new and wonderful experiences.

Since 2007, Tribe has successfully trained over 800 teachers and for that reason we have many students come to us through a recommendation from others who have been on a Tribe YTT. For those of you who have not had any personal introduction or recommendation to us, we hope you resonate with our approach and can trust in the longevity of our program and our years of experience.

Who is this course for

The tribe yoga teacher training is for those who are ready to challenge themselves and wish to journey deeply into their Being. Photo – Austria.


The course allows you the time and space to take a break from your normal routine and touch base with the deeper levels of your Being.

If you do have a passion for becoming a teacher this course provides a supportive arena to access your inner guru. You can expect to build a strong foundation of confidence and skill, which will allow you to teach clearly and precisely from your own experience. This includes developing the teaching skills and hands-on adjustment skills that will make you a sensitive and competent teacher.

On the other hand, if you are attending the course purely for self-development reasons then this is your chance to recalibrate every aspect of your life.

Everybody who attends the training regardless of their initial reasons can expect to gain an increase in their confidence and skills as a yoga practitioner. You will discover and develop many new yoga disciplines and practices that will support you in all aspects of your life. The wealth of information and wisdom shared through the grace of the yoga teachings will furnish your life with blessings and guidance forevermore.

Our Teachers

Teachers and assistants gather together for a meeting in Goa, India


We have a fiery passion is to share our love and practice of yoga wherever we go and we walk through life embracing and embodying authentic yoga teachings, not just practicing but living yoga. We love to come together as the ‘ Tribe’. Its where we get to share, learn and grow with each other.  

On all of our teaching teams, the combined years of experience creates a diverse and varied skill-set for students to learn from. We all have a deep appreciation for the yoga sutras and are keen to make the teachings practical and applicable to everyday living.

The opportunity to support students from all over the world to become teachers is amazing. It’s amazing to see how much can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time. To see graduates at the end of the training, fully confident, fully in love with yoga, fully focused on a mission to share yoga with others is our biggest reward.

What makes our training very special is the unique personalities of the teachers. Tribe teachers are all fascinating individuals who each bring something different to the training. All of us have been living yogic lifestyles for many years and express ourselves with a deep aspiration to evolve.

We consider ourselves to be quite progressive and all have studied and practiced different styles of Hatha Yoga including Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar, Dynamic Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, and Kundalini. The fusion of asana, pranayama, and meditation styles & techniques that we offer creates a complete journey of both movement and stillness and our trainings.

We work towards maintaining a safe and sacred space so that you can experience a supportive and nurturing environment to express and explore yourself without judgment or expectation.

Duration & Certification

Tribe 200hr level 1 yoga teacher training courses are completed in a residential setting. The course content, syllabus, and expected level of attainment are the same on all trainings. On each course, a high level of discipline, focus, and commitment are required to successfully complete the syllabus.

Tribe is registered with The Yoga Register & Yoga Alliance

All trainees who successfully complete the course receive an internationally recognized 200hr yoga teacher certificate, accredited by Yoga Alliance, and the Yoga Register giving a teaching status to teach whatever style of yoga they love and practice.

We have a teaching practicum and a quiz each week. Don’t worry you will be well prepared for both. We have been running trainings for a long time and if you are focused on the studies then you will have no problem with the quiz and practicum. The quiz is generally multiple choice.

The final quiz will have a few long and short answer questions.. again nothing for you to be overly concerned about. if for some reason you go blank in the quiz you get to resit 🙂

During the training, you are assessed continuously throughout. Attitude and commitment towards practice & teaching, personal accomplishment & progress, and the ability to understand express & share the teachings are all considerations in deciding whether a trainee has successfully completed the course. Trainees are required to reflect the aptitude and attitude of a yoga aspirant and pass the final quiz and practicum.

It is Tribes experience that all students who apply themselves to the best of their ability pass. In the rare case that a trainee needs additional time, certification can be issued at a later date when the teaching standard is met. You will still be able to teach to your friends and family and then when ready you can retake the assessment and practicum to receive the full certification to teach the public

With the Tribe teaching certificate, you can register as an RYT (registered yoga teacher) with Yoga Alliance.




*06-15: Daily Reading, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation,
*10-00: Break*
*10.30: Lectures: Methodology, Philosophy, or Anatomy.
*13-00: Lunch.
*13-30: Study time & relaxation
*15-30: Asana Methodology, Teaching skills
*19-00: Dinner
*20-00: Chanting, Yoga Nidra or Meditation


*06:00 – 09:00 Morning yoga practice
*09:00 – 09:30 Break*
*09:30 – 12:30 Morning lectures and theory
*12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
*13:30 – 18:00 Teaching Methodology & practice
Online Sessions 8am – 12pm (sat & suns)

CHECK UK 2024  Dates

Trainees are assessed continuously throughout the duration of the training. Attitude and commitment towards practice and teaching, personal accomplishment & progress, and the ability to understand, express and share the teachings are all considerations in deciding whether a trainee has successfully completed the course.

Attendance: 95% attendance is required in order to receive a certificate.

In the case of continuous non-attendance, additional hours of study is required and a certificate of either 100, 150, or 175 hours will be issued to reflect the hours completed. Additional hours of study are subject to a teaching fee.

Please note: Teaching certificates are issued at the discretion of the Tribe teachers based on trainee performance and attainment. All students are required to reflect the aptitude and attitude of a yoga aspirant and also achieve 75% pass rates in exams and assessments. If a student fails in any part of the training re-takes are possible during training.

It is Tribes experience that all students who apply themselves to the best of their ability pass. In the rare case that a trainee needs additional time developing their understanding or skills a temporary certificate with a footnote ‘more training recommended before teaching to the public’ will be issued. Full certification will be issued on completion of additional assignments.



We recognise that we cannot assess your level of practice by what you write on your application. In our experience, a student who has been practicing for just 6 months could have an equal level of practice as a student who has studied for many years.

Who you have been taught by, the quality of teachings you have received, your personal ability to digest and assimilate the practice, the consistency and continuity with which you practice are all important factors. This means the responsibility is on you to decide if you are ready for this training.

At the very least it is ideal to be familiar with the practice of sun salutations and have some experience of s dynamic style of asana practice (vinyasa, ashtanga etc) before attending this training.

This training is not a yoga holiday. Please do not apply for this course if you are not ready for an intensive period of yoga study and practice.

When you sign up on a Tribe yoga teacher training we will send you reading recommendations and pre-study so you can prepare well in advance of your studies with us


1. Philosophy…8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

At Tribe the ancient teachings of the East are taught in a modern way and ‘down to earth’ way suitable for the western mind to grasp. Although the main body of teachings for our philosophical talks and studies is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali we maintain an unbiased approach and draw on the spiritual teachings of a variety of traditions and religions.
The philosophy sessions support and illuminate our yogic understanding whereby we advance along our spiritual path and naturally gravitate to a more yogic lifestyle.

2. Yoga history & paths of yoga

Learning about where yoga came from and how yoga evolved throughout the ages puts our practice in context.  The family tree of yoga has many branches from which different paths of yoga have sprung. We familiarise ourselves with the ‘giants’ of the yoga tradition and connect to the teachers and teachings that have been instrumental in shaping and forming the spiritual paths that we now all tread on.
We have no bias to any particular spiritual teachings and teach in a non-dogmatic way, which embraces many spiritual traditions and paths.


3. Yoga living, lifestyle & diet

We eat for energy and when we recognize that yoga is a practice to generate and direct energy in specific ways our food choices become very important. The food we eat has a powerful and profound effect on all levels of our Being. It’s not unusual for yoga students to plateau in their practice
and often diet is a major factor stalling one’s spiritual evolution. On our level 1 training, we introduce fasting and detoxing practices that are not compulsory. Students are always encouraged to listen to the theory and then decide for themselves if they want to participate.

4. Asana

In addition to Modified Ashtanga Primary Series used in sequences and studies, there are Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative and other practices. To honor varying abilities and limitations we include modifications and introductions to a greater variety of asanas and sequencing taught under an umbrella of spiritual content and guidance. We nurture your confidence and creativity so you can offer the style of asana that you love to practice.

In the dynamic practices the method we use  is inspired by the ‘Dynamic yoga method ‘ as devised by Godfrey Devereux. A simplistic approach, practice, and understanding of some basic fundamentals which make asana practice safe and effective. Those fundamentals are: a soft and passive core, a stable foundation, expression of the bandhas and freedom of the breath.

5. Pranayama

Pranayama can open the doors to the possibility of transcending physical and emotional blocks thereby accessing and connecting to the more subtle aspects of our being.
The pranayama program includes a broad range of techniques that present a gradual yet deep exploration of the power of the breath.

6. Meditation practices

The meditation program is a combination of guided and silent practices that are an invitation to cultivate the awareness and stillness that is the hallmark of all spiritual practices. We teach a diverse selection of techniques including breath awareness, mantra, music and dynamic meditation.

7. Teaching skills

During the training, you get plenty of time to develop teaching skills through teaching practice and coaching from the Tribe teachers.Each week there are teaching assessments so you can appreciate and monitor your progress and growth. By the end of the training, you are able to create your own sequence and structure for a 75-minute yoga class which you can immediately teach to others when you venture back out into the world.

8. Restorative Yoga

Restorative classes are a great opportunity to recalibrate the body and establish a deep sense of release and relaxation on all levels of one’s Being. On the Tribe yoga teacher training, the restorative classes create an opportunity to explore how to use props to support students deeper into stability, stillness, and comfort so the body and mind are both replenished and refreshed.

9. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra can be a very powerful and profound practice to support practitioners on the path of personal growth and spiritual development. It’s a practice that if done on a regular basis can help us to break free of the conditioned mind and allow us to connect to the most subtle realms of our Being in an awake state.


10. Beginner Kriyas

Kriyas are the cleansing practices of Hatha yoga that support health and hygiene but more importantly cleanse the practitioner on a physical, energetic, emotional and mental level. The beginner’s kriya practices are optional. Students can decide for themselves after the theory if they wish to practice kriyas on a daily basis

11. Chanting

The practice of Bhakti yoga, devotional chanting, and singing, is a beloved practice of Tribe yoga teacher training course. The teachers have a passion for Bhakti yoga and are able to transmit their enthusiasm and own devotion and love for the divine to the trainees in such a profound way. Hearts open and those present often find themselves in amazing sublime states of consciousness.

12. Self-practice

Our focus is to guide students towards deepening into self-practice. We facilitate a space whereby each person is invited to nurture their own unique individuality and explore what works for them.During the training students are supported to deepen their understanding and sensitivity, learning how to navigate safely and effectively through a self-practice, being able to skillfully respond to what they are feeling in each and every moment.Whether you are new to self-practice or have been practicing solo for a long time the training will help you to develop greater spontaneity and become more explorative in your practice.

13. Others

  • Yoga asana methodology
  • Introduction to basic adjustments
  • Structuring and Sequencing
  • The subtle body, Chakras and Nadis
  • Basic principles of Ayurveda
  • Healing & Massage
  • Establishing yourself as a yoga teacher
  • Business & Ethics
  • Anatomy & Physiology